
More international criticism for scrappage schemes

sábado, 23 de maio de 2009 ·

More international criticism for scrappage schemes

Yesterday we told you how the scrappage scheme proposals in the USA are coming under fire and today it is the turn of Spain’s scheme to face criticism.

The Ecologistas en Accion, one of the country’s most important green groups, is claiming that the scrappage scheme is bad business. According to the group, driving a car is not only bad for the environment but it is also bad for administrations expecting to reap financial rewards.

The ecologists believe that three studies - one in Spain, one in France, and one in Germany - show that investing money in mass transit systems returns twice the yield than money invested in private transport including cars. For example, car factories can be delocalised with work outsourced while a subway system needs to stay in place.

Another point is the impact cars have on society - the group’s figures suggest that the associated costs of cars can make up 10 per cent of a country’s GDP when you include factors such as medical care for pollution related respiratory problems as well as accidents and climate change.


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